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Functional Capacity Assessments

There is a common misconception that Functional Capacity Assessments (FCAs) can only be undertaken by Occupational Therapists (OTs). However, as confirmed by NDIS, several Allied Health Professionals may undertake an FCA, provided that it is within their scope of practice.


Arise Society offers complete Social Work based Functional Capacity Assessments for participants diagnosed with Autism, FASD, Intellectual Disability and certain Psycho-Social Disabilities.


For NDIS Participants with other disabilities, we can work closely together with their Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist to create a joint, holistic report or provide a socio-environmental report to accompany an existing Functional Capacity Assessment.


Please note: Child participants and participants with limited communicative ability are not required to be present for the full assessment. We recognise that the primary caregiver will have the most valuable information about their true day-to-day functioning, so most information gathering will be done with the caregiver.

The Assessment Process


A full Functional Capacity Assessment with Arise Society generally exists out of three appointments of about 2.5 to 3 hours each. The appointments can take place at the participant's home, or via Telehealth. We prefer to have at least one meeting at the participant's home, if possible, as part of the environmental aspect of our assessment.

Image by Sarah Elizabeth
Image by Bernd Klutsch

The Report

All information gathered through the assessment, and review of any shared medical and allied health reports is described in a comprehensive FCA report. The report includes a description of the participant's primary and secondary disabilities, the participant's Eco Map, their functioning domains, updated goals and support recommendations.


Arise Society prides itself in going the extra mile to address all the NDIS Reasonable and Necessary Criteria for each recommendation, based on best-practice evidence in line with the participant's unique circumstances.


We generally do not have a waitlist for Functional Capacity Assessments.

How Much Does A Functional Capacity Assessment Cost?

We charge 15 hours at the rate of $193.99 per hour to complete a Functional Capacity Assessment. The total cost is $2909.85. There is no GST to this service as it is a direct NDIS service.


For this cost, you get a comprehensive report (usually between 40-60 pages in length) that provides detailed information to the NDIA about your functional capacity, AND we provide a complimentary consultation with one of our experienced Support Coordinators to provide you with some information and support to make sure that you have everything you need to maximise your plan review/change of circumstances / NDIS planning meeting.


The Support Coordinator access is not an additional cost and will not be billed to your NDIS plan. You do not need to have the Support Coordinator approved funding in order to access this. Furthermore, if you don’t want to access this complimentary service, there is no reduction in the price of the FCA, as this is a complimentary service only and not built into the price.

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